Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Today and yesterday were devoted to Spring cleaning - deep, spring, cleaning.
After hours rearranging furniture, scrubbing the floors, and hunting down every last dust bunny, I have a spotless kitchen and bedroom...and a messy - though clean - living room (a bunch of things ended up without a home).
Here is our new bedroom arrangement. Nothing amazing, but a big step up from how it was previously. I'm excited to finish the black and white quilt I started - it will look nice in our "new" room. I am also going to finally make or buy a bed skirt.
In this space above our dressers, we are going to hang some photos from our wedding (finally!).
The newest addition to our house is the baby dresser/baby shrine where we can store all the little things we've been collecting and making for our coming baby. It's a really cute wooden dresser Adam saw at the Goodwill, thought I would love, and emailed me a photo to see if he should buy it - I said YES! It needs to be repainted, but it's fine for now.

It has been a productive and tiring weekend.

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